Friday, December 11, 2015


May 2015

Spring Time Throwback

Shot on May 27th, all images are SOOC.


Dino Dig

How to occupy a four year old for one hour?  Get a dino dig it's like spending ten bucks on a babysitter. Shot on May 5th, all SOOC. 

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Reading at Sunset

Whatever possessed me to shoot at sunset without my speedy light, I will never know. But I do know the best way to get rid of 'rosy glow' aka red burn, is to just go for B&W.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

All about fire safety.

Putting the fire out is always fun, especially if it's followed by daddy hugs:-)).
All images are SOOC; shot on 03.10.2015.

Baby love, camera love.

Because time spent behind the lens is more exciting than time spent in front of the screen.  All images are unedited or SOOC (straight out of camera).  Shot with Fujifilm X-E2 on 02.01.2015.